Pietro Ferrari


What do you do?

Strategic Partnership Advisor for New Clients

But what do you really do?

I’m collaborating with the amazing team at CEI to help propel its high impact mission by forging strategic partnerships to drive growth and revenue. Leveraging my tenured career in the frontlines of community development and organizational growth, I’m working to identify and secure win-win partnerships with purpose-driven businesses and organizational partners that want to start, refresh or deepen their transformative journey towards racial equity, diversity and meaningful inclusion. 

And what’s your story? As in, what makes you tick?

I thrive at working collaboratively with others who share my sense of mission urgency to create a better world for present and future generations. With more than two decades of experience at the crossroads of purpose and equity with nonprofits and mission-driven organizations, I've had the privilege of driving initiatives and organizations that empower disadvantaged communities, transform organizations and enhance people’s lives.

Drawing from “Ayni” a traditional indigenous Andean philosophy from my ancestral land of Bolivia that means a sense of reciprocity, interconnectedness and mutual aid, I’m here to use my knowledge and leverage my extensive relationships to influence and guide regional and global partners to adopt standards of excellence and social responsibility with a conscious commitment to racial equity. 

What’s rewarding about working at the Center?

I have long been an external admirer of CEI’s quality facilitators, workshops and transformative approach to DEI. Working within the organization today, I've discovered a true sense of belonging here. Being “in community” is visible in the way everyone is treated and valued as we all are trying to figure out the best ways to enrich the challenging yet rewarding journey of instigating and facilitating the transformative process to make equity an actionable m

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